Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Promote Violence? Who, ME??





No They Can't


The Fun starts at the 20 second mark.. come on, everyone, let's All Yell together!! 


Friday, March 19, 2010

Just make it Red

For a Sparkling, Shinny New Life... Just Wash Your Cares Away.

Latest Aruba Updates

Diver Jim Prepares for his Mission....

 Looking the part.  Big Jim, Ready for Action!

Aruban Waves...

See Jim Swim... Swim Jimmy Swim

 Jim emerges from his 'diving' adventure..  more like a floating adventure if truth be told. 

 Of all the beautiful beaches we saw on Aruba, I was glad we got to play in the one closest to "home", Eagle Beach.  Great Waves, Wide open, and White Sparkling Sand.  Could not have asked for better! 

Beautiful Beautiful Beaches....

  Our First Night in Aruba.  Missed the Sunset yet Again!!

BIG Weekend!!

Enough Talking... Start Voting

Get this House in Order

More than just Small Minded



*No Caption Needed

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

More Aruba Updates to Come...


High above the Caribbean.   Not sure where... No Borders, No Lines, No Signs.  Sorta nice if you think about it.

Sea Change

Jim the Culinary Artist

 ... and me the lucky one to sample his Works of Art!

The above shots were taken this past Christmas eve.  Just a small sampling of the Feast Jim prepared for us.  It tasted even better than it looks!!  

Interesting to me how the second pic has a flag like dimension to it.  The United States of Good Eating! 

Also notice how the colors flow backwards (in time if not posts) to the fall.   Earthy, warm and vibrant to the eye.  A Feast Indeed!

Catching Up with Fall....

Home Sweet Home Fall 2009

You got a Problem?

No Worries...

'Just a little pin prick'


Go ahead... take one, or two... or...............

Here Comes the Sun...