Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Rough Weekend.

Emergency Rooms (thanks Jim and Liam for dragging me in).
Bad Pills doing Bad things to not always good People.

THIS is what we get....  Pee Wee Down!  PW Down!!




     Sometimes the balance is just off, and off so bad that you have to wonder if they really DO know what they portray to know.  I was taking Bactrim, a standard and established type of antibiotic that has many good uses, including the use of treating an ear infection.  The one that choose up residence in my left ear got the message, but so did the rest of my body.  As I got to the final pill the rash first began.. then spread, head to toe.  Minimum itching so far, just very red and blotchy looking.  I have to avoid the sun, no snug clothing and no Hot showers.  Ugggh.  So, it's off the Bactrim and on to Prednisone.     Stop this train wreck in it's path before someone gets hurt!!


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